Currying – or: There Are Only Functions with One Argument

Posted on Dec 1, 2023

(You can watch the video version of this post on YouTube.)

Now what’s the type of a function that multiplies two integers? I would say maybe $\mathbb{Z}^2\to \mathbb{Z}$, so: ordered pair of two integers going in, one integer coming out.

There’s a different way of looking at it, though. If I only give you the first argument, say “multiply by 2,” that still kind of makes sense right? It’s just that “multiply by 2” is still a function, because we’re missing the second argument – but once we get it, we can multiply it by 2. In this sense, multiply is a function with one argument: it’s just that the result is a function in one argument and it multiplies by that number.

Let’s do this in Python real quick if that was a bit too abstract. The normal way would be something like:

def mul(x,y): return x*y

You call it like mul(2,3) and it returns 6. The second way to look at multiplication would be something like this:

def mul(x): lambda y: x*y

Let that sink in for a second. Now you call it as mul(x)(y) and that still returns 6, of course. But now you can do fun things like

double = mul(2)

and then double(3) returns 6.

This was a silly example, but in general it is quite a powerful idea that you can do this with any function and it’s called “currying,” after the mathematician Haskell Curry. It’s no coincidence that there’s a programming language called Haskell and in it, technically, there are only functions with one argument. In Haskell, the type of multiplying two integers is int -> int -> int. Without parentheses, by the way: operator precedence means this says int -> (int -> int) like we want.

I don’t really have a killer application for you in a short post like this, so for now you can just take it as a programming novelty – but it does illustrate the power of first-class functions: being able to have functions as values.